Lesley Miller, MD is an Associate Professor in Emory University’s Division of General Medicine and Geriatrics. Her clinical expertise, research and teaching center around primary care-based hepatitis C screening and treatment in underserved populations. Dr. Miller is the Medical Director of the Grady Liver Clinic, a primary care-based hepatitis C clinic that provides care for underserved patients with hepatitis C at Grady Memorial Hospital. Dr. Miller leads nationally recognized hepatitis C screening and linkage to care programs and lectures broadly on hepatitis C screening, treatment and alternate models of care.

Dr. Lesley S. Miller, MD
Medical Director, Grady Liver Clinic
- Internal Medicine
Board Certifications
- ABMS Internal Medicine
- Emory
Education & Training
- Medical School: Albert Einstein College of Medicine
- Internship: Emory University School of Medicine
- Residency: Emory University School of Medicine
Honors & Awards
Best Resident Award for Excellence in Ambulatory Medicine, Emory University Department of Medicine, 2001
Clinical Vignette Award for highest rated clinical vignette at Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Session, 2002
Best Lecturer, Primary Care Curriculum 2006 – 2007
Outstanding Clinician-Generalist Award, Emory University Department of Medicine, 2010
Best Research Abstract for highest rated research abstract at Southern Society of General Internal Medicine regional Meeting, 2011
Featured Partner (Grady Liver Clinic), National Provider Information Network (NPIN), 2014
Best Grand Rounds Speaker for “Hot Topics in Hepatitis C.” Emory Univerity Department of Medicine, 2015
Best Lecture Award, J. Willis Hurst Internal Medicine Residency Program, Clinic Conference Curriculum, 2015-16
Special Commendation from The World Health Organization and International Liver Congress (ILC), the annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) for Hepatitis Testing Innovation Contest, 2016
First Place Poster Award, Third Annual Advancing Healthcare Quality Research at Emory University, 2016
American College of Physicians (ACP) Richard and Hinda Rosenthal Award from the Rosenthal Family Foundation for the Grady Liver Clinic, 2018
Miller L, McCall, C, 2001. “Common Skin Rashes” in Ambulatory Medicine Case Book, J. Doyle and L. Martin eds. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Cassoobhoy M, McCall C, Miller L, 2007. “Dermatology in Hospitalized Patients” in Comprehensive hospital medicine: an evidence based approach. M. Williams, ed. Saunders.
Miller L, Korbatova E, Goodman S, Ray S. Risk Factors for Pneumococcal Vaccine Refusal in Adults: A Case-control Study. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2005;(20):650-652.
Miller L, Fluker S, Osborn M, Liu X, Strawder A. Improving Access to Hepatitis C Care for Urban, Underserved Patients Using a Primary Care-Based Hepatitis C Clinic. Journal of the National Medical Association. 2012;104(5,6):244-250.
Spaulding AC, Bowden CJ, Kim DI, Mann, MC, Miller L, Mustaafaa GR, Kyle RP, Leon M, Mbaba M, Messina LC, Hampton S, MacGowan R, Reid L, Margolis A, Belcher L. Routine HIV Screening During Intake Medical Evaluation at a County Jail — Fulton County, Georgia, 2011–2012. MMWR June 2013
Spaulding AC, Sharma A, Messina LC, Zlotorzynska M, Miller L, Binswanger IA. A Comparison of Liver Disease Mortality with HIV and Overdose Mortality Among Georgia Prisoners and Releasees: A 2-Decade Cohort Study of Prisoners Incarcerated in 1991. American Journal of Public Health. 2015;105(5):e51-e57.
Miller L, Rollin F, Fluker SA, Lundberg K, Park B, Quairoli K, Niyibizi NK, Spaulding AS. High yield birth cohort HCV screening and robust linkage to care in an underserved, African American population. Public Health Reports. Supplement 2, Volume 131, May 2016.
Spaulding AS, Miller LS. Apportioning blame in the North American hepatitis C virus epidemic. Lancet Infectious Diseases. Volume 16, No. 6, p626–627, June 2016
Patel M, Rab S, Kalapila A, Kyle A, Okosun I, Miller L. Highly Successful HCV Treatment Outcomes in HIV-HCV Co-infected Patients at a Large, Urban, Ryan White Clinic. Open Forum Infectious Diseases. 2017 Apr 5;4(2)
Michal JL, Rab S, Patel M, Kyle AW, Miller LS, Easley KA, Kalapila A. Incidence of acute kidney injury in patients co-infected with HIV and hepatitis C virus receiving tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and ledipasvir/sofosbuvir in a real-world, urban, Ryan White clinic. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses; Online Ahead of Editing: May 16, 2018
Osinubi A, Harris AM, Vellozzi C, Lom J, Miller L, Millman AJ. Evaluation of performance of algorithms using serial hepatitis C RNA tests to predict treatment initiation and sustained virologic response among patients infected with chronic hepatitis C. Accepted for publication, American Journal of Epidemiology, November 2018.